
Design Through Analysis: Simulation-Driven Design Speeds System Level Design and Transition to Manufacturing

Today’s engineers and chief designers, who lead system-level or large assembly design teams, work under increasing pressure to develop more innovative, better-performing, and easier-to-manufacture products more quickly and cost effectively.

Giaffone Racing: Expanding Into New Racing Markets with Topology Optimization Tools

Giaffone Racing added SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional topology optimization solutions to its existing SOLIDWORKS design and analysis implementation because topology studies allow the Brazilian car-racing manufacturer to more quickly develop lighter and stronger parts, as well as eliminate manufacturing limitations.

Simulating for Better Health

Product manufacturers in the health care and life sciences market have always faced bigger challenges than manufacturers in other industries. Regulatory, quality, safety, testing,...

Developing Better Products in the Cloud

Great ideas can come from many places. Product developers must find ways to bring their best people together so they can effectively collaborate as...

Understanding Nonlinear Analysis

Historically, engineers were reluctant to use nonlinear analysis, because of its complex problem formulation and long solution time. However, as nonlinear FEA software integrates...

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