Design Through Analysis: Simulation-Driven Product Development Pays Business Dividends in Transition to Smart Manufacturing

Manufacturing companies in today’s competitive global business climate face a seemingly insurmountable dichotomy: the need to develop, produce, and launch more innovative products of increasing complexity in less time and at lower cost while maintaining consistently high levels of quality.

This challenge is driving these businesses towards an automated product development and smart manufacturing process, because traditional product development and manufacturing approaches are inadequate for handling these increasingly complex products without making trade-offs that negatively impact quality.

Best-in-class manufacturers are embracing higher levels of innovation, automation, data exchange and throughput in transitioning to smart manufacturing by leveraging integrated virtual prototyping and simulation technologies. Instead of engaging in repeated rounds of physical testing, manufacturers are leveraging simulation-driven product development because it provides a host of business benefits as part of the transition to smart manufacturing.

Download this whitepaper today to learn how to secure these advantages and meet emerging business challenges using integrated, easy-to-use and automated design simulation and analysis tools—tailored to meet the needs of specific functions—such as those developed by Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS.

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